VALOR staff and counselors.

Disability Support at Mission

DSPS Mission Statement

Reasonable accommodations, when eligible, are provided to minimize the effects of your disability and maximize your potential success. 

Our goal is to support the college student with a disability to enter campus life, its programs and activities, both on campus and through distance education.

New Students - How to Apply

Visit Becoming a Student for important information on applying to the college.

  1. Complete the Application to Disability Support Programs & Services.
  2. Obtain disability documentation from a medical professional, mental health professional, or your high school (IEP or 504 Plan.)  It is also helpful to obtain your most recent school transcript. 
  3. Complete the Placement Assistance Tool. 
  4. Upload documents to your application. For assistance, please call (408) 855-5085 or email [email protected]  (Note that if you are unable to upload documentation at the time you apply, be sure to click "Upload Later" in order for your application to be submitted.)
  5. Call or email DSPS to schedule an intake appointment to the program, and to discuss course placement and accommodations.   
  6. Attend the next scheduled DSPS Orientation meeting (dates will be provided by DSPS).
  7. Make an appointment with a DSPS Counselor to create your Educational Plan.
  8. Register for courses.
  9. Request academic accommodations every semester. 

All DSPS information is available in alternate formats upon request. 


Disability Verification form

Students do not need to have a learning or physical challenge to enroll in Educational Assistance courses; however, in order to receive services such as notetaking, test-taking accommodations, etc., students must have written verification of an eligible disability.

Eligibility for academic accommodations is based on a student's condition which must:

  1. Fall within the diagnostic categories listed on Disability Verification Form, and
  2. Impair a major life activity, and
  3. Pose an educational limitation for which accommodation is required and appropriate.

Mission College uses the information requested on the Disability Verification Form for the purpose of determining a student's eligibility to received authorized special services provided by Disability Support Programs & Services. The definitions here are per the State of California Administration Code, Title 5, Section 56032 to 56044.

Justin Genevro

I used all resources that the school offered including DSPS, Writing Center, CASA (which is like counseling), One Stop (combination of admission and financial aid), and the personal interaction with the teachers. I transferred, earning my bachelor's and master's degrees in History.

Justin Genevro

Benefited from DSPS as Student

Read His Story
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